Jesenski klubski piknik 2018

Predzadnje nedeljsko popoldne v oktobru je bilo namenjeno malce drugačnemu druženju Utripovcev kot sicer. Zbrali smo se na Rudniku v galeriji Repanšek, kjer je potekal tradicionalni jesenski Utripov piknik. Prav vsak je s svojo prisotnostjo prispeval k prijetnemu vzdušju, tako nam je bilo kljub nižjim temperaturam in kapljam dežja toplo ob kaminu, jedeh z žara, kostanju in odlični kavi ter pecivu, ki so ga spekli nekateri starši. Trener Miha nas je presenetil s prav posebnimi Utripovimi mafini, ki jih je spekla njegova punca Damjana. Praznoval je rojstni dan, zato so mu njegovi varovanci ubrano zapeli »Vse najboljše«. Še preden so se pokazali sončni žarki, so se otroci, polni energije, lovili na zelenici, igrali badminton in nogomet ter druge športne igre. Tradicionalno je bilo tudi mesto skupinske fotografije, ki nam bo ostala za spomin na čudovit dan.

Družini Repanšek se lepo zahvaljujemo za odlično piknik lokacijo.

The Sunday before last in October, the members of the triathlon club TK Utrip spent their time a bit differently than usual. We gathered in Rudnik at the Repanšek gallery for the traditional autumn picnic. Each and everyone contributed to the wellbeing of triathletes and their families. The low temperatures and rain did not spoil our mood since we kept warm by the fireplace eating chestnuts and food from the grill or drinking excellent coffee. We enjoyed pastry made by some of the parents. Coach Miha surprised us with special Utrip muffins as it was his birthday. They were made by his girlfriend Damjana. His protégés sang him the “Happy Birthday” song. Even before the sun came out from behind the clouds, the children, who are always full of energy, started running around the lawn, playing various sports games. We did not forget to take the traditional group photo, which will remind us of the wonderful day throughout the following years.

Jesenski klubski piknik 2018

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