Decembrski UTRIP je poskrbel, da nam tudi v zadnjem, veselem mesecu leta 2018 ni bilo dolgčas, saj smo v klubu pripravili štiri dogodke, namenjene druženju. Tri zaporedne sobote, 8., 15. in 22. decembra, med 14. in 16. uro smo lahko začutili UTRIP Kamnika. Dogodek je bil namenjen športno-kulturni animaciji otrok. Zbrali smo se na Glavnem trgu, od koder nas je pot vodila do Malega gradu, gradu Zaprice in Keršmančevega parka. Na vsaki točki so potekale zanimive naloge, povezane s kamniško znamenitostjo, na kateri smo se nahajali. Vsem udeležencem je bil na voljo topel čaj, otroci so dobili tudi bidone z napisom UTRIP. V nedeljo, 16. decembra, smo se v lepem številu odpravili na prednovoletni pohod na Stari grad, čeprav je bil dokaj mrzel dan. Zbrali smo se pred srednjo šolo, nato pa nas je pot vodila mimo zdravstvenega doma proti Staremu gradu. Na cilju smo naredili skupinsko fotografijo in se ob toplih napitkih prijetno družili. Pozabiti ne smemo na petek, 28. decembra, ko smo nekateri uživali v malo drugačni dejavnosti na drsalkah na kamniškem drsališču. Vsak je drsal po svojih zmogljivostih in lahko se pohvalimo, da je bilo super!
Napisala Mojca Ogrin
TK UTRIP made sure none of us was bored in the last, merry month of December 2018. We carried out four different events with the intention of socializing. On three successive Saturday afternoons, the 8th, 15th and 22nd December, we could get the UTRIP feeling of Kamnik. The event was dedicated to children’s sports and cultural animation. Glavni trg (Main square) was the meeting place and from there we went to Mali grad (Little castle in the town), castle Zaprice and Keršmanc park. Every point offered interesting tasks related to its surroundings. The participants all got free tea and the children got a sports bottle with the UTRIP sign. On Sunday, 16th December, many of us went on a pre-new year’s hike to Stari grad (Old castle above Kamnik) despite the low temperature. We gathered in front of the local secondary school, went past the health centre and continued to the top of the hill. There, we made a couple of group photos and warmed ourselves with hot drinks while having a great time socializing. We absolutely must mention another December activity. On Friday, 28th December, a few of us went ice-skating. We enjoyed it despite our different competencies. It was fun!
Written by Mojca Ogrin